Our Commitment to Sustainability

We’re committed to environmentally-sustainable business practices.
Here are a few examples of recent changes that we've made:
- We installed 60kW of PV solar capacity on our San Diego headquarters building.
Other improvements we've made to our HQ building include:
- Installed three Level 2 electric-vehicle chargers, which are available to our employees at no cost.
- Retrofitted dimmable LED lighting throughout, with Daylight Harvesting used wherever practical.
- Installed enclosed bicycle lockers and a shower for our employees who bike to work.
- After auditing standby power draws, we placed many office items on 24/7 timers (printers, battery chargers, coffee makers…)

- We have switched to recyclable Korrvu packaging material for the majority of our products.
- We have switched to laptops and energy-efficient desktop computers wherever possible.
- We're continuing our switch to more-environmentally-friendly product materials. (For example, extruded ABS requires less energy to produce than aluminum. It is also lighter, resulting in decreased shipping weight.)