F30 Thickness Measurement Instrument Series

The Most Powerful Instruments Available for Monitoring Thin-Film Deposition
Measure and monitor deposition rates, film thickness, optical constants (n and k), and uniformity of semiconductors and dielectric layers in situ, in real-time with the F30 spectral reflectance system.

Example Layers
MBE and MOCVD: Smooth and translucent, or lightly absorbing films, may be measured with the F30 thickness measurement series instruments. This includes virtually any semiconducting material, from AIGaN to GaInAsP.

Model Specifications

Model Thickness Range* Wavelength Range
F30 15nm - 70µm 380-1050nm
F30-UV 3nm - 40µm 190-1100nm
F30-NIR 100nm - 250µm 950-1700nm
F30-EXR 15nm - 250µm 380-1700nm
F30-UVX 3nm - 250µm 190-1700nm
F30-XT .2µm - 450µm 1440-1690nm
*film stack dependent

Thickness Measurement Range*

F30-UV F30-UVX F30 F30-EXR F30-NIR F30-XT 1nm 10nm 100nm 1µm 10µm 100µm 1mm
F30-UV F30-UVX F30 F30-EXR F30-NIR F30-XT 1nm 10nm 100nm 1µm 10µm 100µm 1mm


Common Optional Accessories