Step-Height Standards

Filmetrics Step-Height Standards

Filmetrics provides step-height standards specifically designed for use in optical profilometry. Step-height standards guarantee that the results you get time over time will be accurate and reliable measurements. Our step-height standards may be used to calibrate your Filmetrics® 3D Optical Profiler measurement system. These standards are chromium on silicon with a nominal step height measurement of 10µm. A multi-thickness step-height standard is also available with nominal step values of of 4µm, 2µm, and 100nm.

For more information on Filmetrics® step height standards and other accessories, please contact our U.S. offices by calling +1 858-573-9300 (24 Hr, M-F) or contact us by e-mail.

  • SHS-CrOnSi-10µm step-height standard

    SHS-CrOnSi-10µm Step-Height Standard

    Step-height standard with 10µm step. Cr surface on 1.25" square.
  • SHS-CrOnSi-Multi-4um multi thickness step-height standard

    SHS-CrOnSi-Multi-4um Step-Height Standard

    Step-height standard with 4µm , 2µm and 100nm steps. Cr surface on 1.25" square Si.